Monday, May 10, 2021

Revving Up Our Prayer

 On Wednesday morning I'll begin a three-week Zoom study and discussion of prayer.with folk from Trenton United Church and anyone else who wants to join us. During our Lenten study of The Sermon on the Mount we spent time talking about what Christians call The Lord's Prayer or the Our Father. It got me pondering prayer which has been part of my life since my earliest memories. I say that with the admission that prayer has waxed and waned through the decades, sometimes coming readily and at other times difficult. I feel as though I will be a beginner in prayer until the day I take my last breath. 

It happens that Ruth and I are watching a series on Britbox these days called Rev which is guessed it....a Church of England clergyperson serving an inner city congregation in London. St. Saviour's in the Marshes has a leaky old building, a creaky largely elderly congregation, and a priest who is earnest, compassionate, and somewhat hapless. 

The Reverend Adam Smallbone, played brilliantly by Tom Hollander, has a tendency to drink too much, he is a secretive smoker, and he will never be a "move and shaker" as a vicar. He has crises of faith fairly regularly, yet he has a strong sense of vocation and in every episode he prays, often while sitting in the quiet of the church sanctuary.They are heartfelt and honest and fascinating conversations with God. It's so pleasant to watch a series which is a sitcom yet manages to convey depth in each episode. We laugh out loud every time and yet are often quite moved. 

It seems to me that most of us are imperfect pray-ers, engaging in those conversations as best we can. It's important to keep exploring what prayer means for us, and how we can deepen the relationship with God-three-in-One. Here are the titles for the three sessions. If they intrigue you, your're welcome to join us. We won't know what is actually in your water glass. Just contact Trenton UC for the Zoom info. 

Week 1 Pray as You Can, Not as You Can’t – An Introduction to Prayer

Week 2 Prayer for Right-Brained People – Praying Creatively, Beyond Words

Week 3 Praying Inside Out – Prayer in the Natural World

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