Friday, September 01, 2023

A Modest River & Creation Time


In the morning, while it was still very dark, Jesus got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed.

Mark 1:35 NRSVue

Creation Time (United Church), Season of Creation, Creationtide (my favourite) commences today and continues through the liturgical cycle until the Feast of St. Francis on October 4th. 

This time of reflection on the wonder of Creation and with it the call to "live with respect in Creation"  brings to mind an experience from earlier this week when I was out on the water with visitors from Great Britain. They attended a neighbourhood barbecue two weekends ago and were introduced as family members by another household. In conversation the amiable dad mentioned that he would love to get out in a canoe as part of his Canadian experience and I was happy to oblige. 

Monday was a perfect summer day and when we set out on the modest rather than mighty Moira River.The surface of the water like glass, reflecting the cumulous clouds and shoreline trees. This guy was not an experienced canoeist but with a little coaching he was soon paddling as though he'd been at it for years -- some people are not quick studies but he was a natural. 

Within minutes he commented that the relative solitude of our location was almost impossible to find in Britain and he loved it. His fourteen-year-old stepson was with us, content to be a passenger. Apparently he's on the autism spectrum which was not readily apparent, and he seemed to be soaking in the experience, spotting an egret high in a dead tree. There was also a blue heron, kingfishers, turtles, and jumping fish -- I prearranged all this.  We made our way up the river to a set of rapids where their phones emerged to take videos.

When we arrived back at the landing I commended the dad for paddling for more than an hour with virtually no break, and he was surprised that it was that long. The rhythm of the paddle stroke and the beauty around him were captivating and he was quite grateful.  

After our excursion I saw a piece on the evening news about the physical and psychological benefits of being outdoors. Some doctors are now prescribing nature time and there is now a program called PaRx in Canada which gives free passes to National Parks. Brilliant.  

While I ain't a doctor, Jesus, the Great Physician, has inspired me to engage in soul work which is the marvelous web of Creation. 

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