Monday, July 22, 2024

Joe Biden and the Lord Almighty


In an interview not that long ago President Joe Biden asserted that he was so committed to run for another term that the Lord  Almighty would have to direct him to quit. Lots of us weren't so sure about a 76-year-old on the Democratic ticket four years ago and dubious about him running again. Then the disastrous debate occurred when Biden seemed to be 100, a reminder that the presidency is a demanding gig and even a "youngster" like Obama looked ragged after his two terms in office. 

After the debate many Democrats were keen on a change in candidate, to be point of being panicky and lots of political reporters and pundits weighed in. On Saturday Maureen Dowd of the New York Times offered an opinion piece with the title Lord Almighty, Joe, Let It Go! How was that for timely? Yesterday Biden announced that he would not seek the nomination and endorsed VP Kamala Harris. 

This seems to be a wise decision by someone who had run out of gas, or electricity or whatever source of fuel we want to consider. This was shaping up as the race between "ghostly and ghastly" as some described it. Now Americans will be able to choose between someone younger and with integrity and a practically incoherent felon who lies 20 times before breakfast. 

I want to know if the Lord Almighty did influence Joe Biden's decision. We can be certain that there was a close circle of friends, advisors, and family who were a part of the process. Biden is a practicing Roman Catholic, even though he's inclined to use language that isn't part of any liturgy I'm aware of. 

So, did Joe seek God's guidance? Did he pray with others, maybe a spiritual guide of some sort? He did make his announcement on Sunday, so perhaps God spoke and Joe listened. We will never have to consider whether the other guy is willing to receive God's direction.  


roger said...

I can't tell you how relieved I am that Biden will not seek a second term - and I'm not even American! But like it or not, whatever happens politically in the US affects the rest of the world.

I still can't fathom why there are Canadians who support Trump. Do they not remember him threatening to slap massive tariffs on Canadian goods that would signficantly impact our economy? That, and the incessant lying and belittling of others....I can't see how he would appeal to anyone.

I really like filmmaker, Michael Moore, who loves Biden but implored him to step down. In Moore's words, the dems need someone to eliminate the devil in November, and it wasn't going to be Biden.

Biden supports Harris, however it will be interesting to see who ends up running against Trump. Trump's pathetic running mate, JD Vance, is another reason Trump needs to be defeated.

Trudeau, you may not be experiencing cognitive decline, but you'll need to do the same thing if we are to keep the Conservatives from winning the next election.

Judy said...

Everything Roger said - I agree ! Thank God (whether or not Joe consulted God) that Joe stepped down !

kb said...

I would certainly guess that Biden prayed on this decision.

Trump mostly lets other people do the praying for him. He declared that "many people" told him that God had intervened to save him from the bullet. The failed assassination attempt was just another sign that he was sent by God to save America.
What can you say to people who believe that?

David Mundy said...

Thanks to all of you for your responses. I do agree. Ah well, nothing like the threat of a dictator to focus our minds. And your final phrase "what can you say to people who believe that" sums it up, Kathy. God help us!