Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Moms for Liberty and the Orange Menace

I could repurpose and rename this blog as The Orange Menace, devoted to the bizarre, nonsensical, laughable, and dangerous comments and claims made by the former president and insurrectionist of the United States. 

This past Friday he spoke at the annual meeting of Moms for Liberty, a disturbing bunch led by a former school trustee from Florida who was anti-mask during the COVID pandemic. They have been described this way: 

 Moms for Liberty is an American conservative or far-right political organization that advocates against school curricula that mention LGBT rights, race and ethnicity, critical race theory, and discrimination. Multiple chapters have also campaigned to ban books that address gender and sexuality from school libraries.

In other words, "liberty" is code for anti-LGBTQ2S+, racist, and fascist.  Last year one of tghe chapters printed a quote from Adolf Hitler on the top of the front page of their monthly newsletter. They are as wholesome as mom and apple struedel. 

After a series of almost incoherent lies during his speech Trump offered: 

“But the transgender thing is incredible. Think of it. You kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child and you know many of these childs [sic] 15 years later say, what the hell happened? Who did this to me? They say, who did this to me? It’s incredible.”

This isn't funny but we laughed. Ruth wondered if these nefarious schools perform gender transition surgery during recess. 

This is deeply disturbing and the misinformation and hysteria regarding LGBTQ2S+ persons has seeped across the border into Canada, or was probably always here. This year a number of Pride parades in Canada were affected by organized backlash and I've mentioned that the Pride and Every Child Matters flags at Trenton United, our home congregation, have been vandalized three times now. 

Often those in opposition are militant "Christians" who have no qualms about controlling the reproductive rights and the gender orientation of others and literally re-writing history. It is The Handmaid's Tale come to life. 

What's even more bizarre is that one of the founders one of the three founding members of Moms admitted to having had a threesome with her husband and another woman and he has been accused of sexual assault. And recently the pastor of one of the largest mega-churches in the United States has been turfed after a decades long cover-up of his sexual assault of a minor, otherwise known as rape. The hypocisy is staggering. 

We need to be vigilant about what is unfolding around us, the steady creep of authoritarianism and faux religion. 

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