Wednesday, October 09, 2024

A Be-wildered Outsider at 70


                                                                 The Salmon River on October 8

Yesterday I celebrated my seventieth birthday, if one can actually whoop it up about being older and creakier -- my knees now clack like castanets when I make my way down the stairs in the morning. We do give thanks that our health is good and that we can enjoy life each and every day. We had a family gathering on the weekend and the presence of family, including four exuberant grandchildren, made me happy.

On my actual natal day we headed out relatively early to paddle on the Salmon River north of Napanee. We had the river to ourselves, in terms of humans, and we were glad to see that there were still turtles, kingfishers, and blue herons on the go. Midway through our two hours on the water we paused for a lunch in our canoe, enjoying the sunshine and conversation. 

I never take being outside for granted and Ruth created an Instagram reel of me in various places close to home, across Canada, and around the world, either hiking or paddling. We're not great adventurers yet we love Creation and Creator. I've had the same excellent paddling companion for fifty years! These opportunities are blessings and I am grateful. We are keenly aware that health in body, mind, and spirit can change in a heartbeat.

I was born during the stormy lead-up to Hurricane Hazel, one of the most powerful weather events in Southern Ontario history. Ruth gave me a card that included events from my birth year and Hurricane Hazel was at the top of the list. Back then mothers stayed in hospital for several days and my Mom recalled being discharged into rainy, violent weather that persisted for the next week. I thought about this as we watched the news regarding Hurricane Milton bearing down on Florida, the second mammoth storm to hit this area in two weeks. In 1954 climate change was not really a concept even though a few scientists were already sounding the alarm. It's bizarre that while we know so much more today officials in Florida are forbidden from using the term climate change. 

I want to be honest enough about getting old to "act my age", whatever that means. I hope this includes enjoying the world around me and employing whatever wisdom I've accrued as well as the freedom of retirement to ensure that this lovely planet is a welcoming place for our grandchildren. And I delight in being outdoors with them. When I retired I commented that my goal was to be a "be-wildered outsider", loving Creation and my place in it. I figure this is still a worthwhile goal as I enter into my seventieth year. 

                                                                  The Old Man and the River 


roger said...

Happy belated birthday, David. I know people often focus on their age, but haven't we all met people who seem much older than they are or the reverse?

One of my squash opponents - before I had knee surgery a few years ago and have since had to hang up the squash racquet - was a 75 year old whose fitness was probably better than most 30 year olds. He just didn't stop running.

You seem to live life to the fullest - kayaking, canoeing, travelling, enjoying family, sharing your knowledge and wisdom with US daily.

I often think of several friends who died in their 50's, including a very close friend with whom I worked in the RCMP, and it's a reminder that we do not know what's around the corner. I try not to sweat the small stuff, and that includes now being a much patient driver when following someone driving painfully slow.

David Mundy said...

Thanks Roger. We adhere to a "wear out rather than rust out" outlook but we are learning to live with the physical realities of aging. We also seek practical ways to live out our faith and consider naps as a gift from God.

Judy said...

Happy Birthday, David - the 8th decade can be very rewarding !

David Mundy said...

Thanks Judy. Just back from a paddle --again!