Saturday, November 17, 2007

Life's vantage points

Church St. in Bowmanville cleared out in a hurry after this morning's Santa Claus Parade. A short time ago there were thousands of people watching the floats and the bands pass by. The local zoo was well represented with an elephant and a camel and a zebra.

The manse is a prime viewing spot so lots of congregation members assemble on the veranda and the lawn. Folk visit and graze on the cookies and squares and hot cider Ruth provides. Its the fifth time we have hosted the gathering.

This year there were three little ones who were experiencing their first Santa Claus parade. Last year they didn't exist outside the womb. Now they are wide-eyed and eared as the sights and sounds pass by.

Two girls were present who had recently lost their father. What a strange reality for them. My heart went out to them and to their mother. Our new next-door neighbours were experiencing their first parade from the vantage point of their porch. Our elderly former neighbour lived for years in the house and her family would join her for the parade. She died in her sleep in her home last year. Two of her daughters who are grandmothers themselves showed up and we chatted. It just felt right for them to be there for the parade and the memories.

Life is filled with comings and goings. Much of ministry is honouring the passages and helping people acknowledge that God is present in the joy and the sadness. Even the Santa Claus parade offers that vantage point.

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