Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Advent Beauty

Recently I have enjoyed correspondence with a former parishioner from Halifax. I was contacted by artist Kathy Brown whose work I admired while living in Nova Scotia. Now she has added banner maker to her creative resume, designing a series of Advent hangings for the sanctuary of St. Andrew's church.

With my art history background and degree I am inclined to think of the Creator in terms of the artistic creation of the universe and draw on artistic images for inspiration in my faith. Kathy mentioned to me that she sees her artistic talents as a gift from God and I agree whole-heartedly. We also traded observations about the Musee D'Orsay in Paris, which houses a wonderful collection of Impressionist art. Strolling through its galleries is a religious experience.

I have often thought that St. Paul's would benefit from seasonal banners and rather than be jealous of St. Andrew's I will give more thought to how that could happen.

Do "pictures speak a thousand words" for you in worship spaces? Do images on the screen enhance your worship experience?


Laurie said...

I do enjoy the images on the screen, lots of times they add to the service. I am not sure about banners in the church. Lots of times they detract rather then add. I also have an art degree and one of my favourite places is a small museum in Paris that has 30 pictures in it. It is a very moving experience to visit this place.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see more paintings on the screen. For a while I searched the internet visiting all kinds of the world's museums virtually. Once while attending Westminster United, Christopher White used an image of Mary that stayed with me a very long time. I don't remember what the painting was called or who painted it, but everytime I closed my eyes to sleep it slipped back into my mind. I didn't know you had a degree in Art History. I envy anyone with a degree in anything. That must have been a great journey.

Deborah Laforet said...

I love using images on the screen. I struggle sometimes to find great ones. The Internet is great, but I wonder a lot about copyright.

We also use banners in our church here, and I find it adds to the worship experience, especially during Advent and Lent. Those bright purples and blues really add to the season. I also find banners can add meaning and warmth to a sanctuary.