I had a conversation with a friend who despises Donald Trump but thinks even less of Sarah Huckabee Sanders who is White House Press Secretary. If Trump is Liar in Chief in the office of president, she is his enabler. She regularly vilifies former members of the administration who have been kicked to the curb, distorts indisputable facts, and brazenly claims that Trump has not uttered outrageous lies which are on record. She hopes to be remembered for being “transparent and honest” when her tenure as White House press secretary comes to an end, which is delusional wishful thinking.
What makes this even more egregious for many is that SHS claims to be a Christian. And a few days ago she told the Christian Broadcasting Network that she thinks God chose Trump to be the president: "God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think that He wanted Donald Trump to become president. That’s why he’s there and I think he has done a tremendous job in supporting a lot of the things that people of faith really care about.”
So much for the separation of church and state. Not only were her comments highly questionable for her role, they are a disturbing disconnect with the moral character of this man. Yet these views are shared by millions of American evangelical Christians who have decided that Trump is the modern-day equivalent of Emperor Cyrus, the 6th century BC monarch who permitted the people of Israel to leave Babylon and return to Israel. The argument is that as Cyrus was God's agent so the deeply flawed Trump can advance the causes of the evangelical community—and by extension, the country.
I am regularly amazed that certain Christians can claim that the promise of Christ supersedes the promises of Judaism and the Hebrew scriptures yet go running toward such weak examples when it suits them. Of course there are many passages in the Older Testament that state monarchs must reign with a strong moral compass and risk God's punishment if they don't. These are being conveniently ignored.
I have this bizarre notion that leaders in democracies should be people of integrity regardless of their own faith and that of the people they serve. Sanders has regularly chosen a lack of transparency in her position as press secretary. She can't change her past I hope she sees the light and chooses honesty once this gig comes to an end, God being her helper.
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