Seven children dead in a house fire. This would be gut-wrenching news in any circumstance but perhaps even more poignant for those who have participated in sponsoring Syrian refugees in Canada. In almost all sponsorships a relationship develops between the newcomers and the welcomers which is life-changing and akin to family. This includes frustrations and misunderstandings and even some disappointments, but for the most part it is enriching and based in love. Those who are extending hospitality soon learn that they are receiving as well, often in the form of shared meals.
A couple of days ago we were faced with the impossibly sad news that the Barho family which has been in the Halifax area for less than two years lost all seven of their children to fire. The mother ran for help but the father tried to save the kids and is in critical condition with burns. The HEART Society (Hants East Assisting Refugee Team Society) expressed its sorrow on Facebook and I imagine that these folks are already working to support the parents in their loss.

When I look at the photos of the children I can't help but think of the dozen children who are members of the four families our Belleville faith coalition sponsored, beginning in 2015. These local children and young people are finding their way into Canadian society. The thought of losing even one is unimaginable and I find that I'm quite emotional about what has transpired despite the distance.
God be in the hearts of the Barho parents and receive these precious ones into eternity. And God be with those HEART sponsors who feel as though they have lost family members.

It's important to "think locally" when it comes to Creation Care. Today's Groundling blog
So incredibly sad. I can't even imagine what the parents are going through right now. Life is so fragile.
Unbelievable event and unbearable resulting grief. Losing one child is a horrendous loss, but to lose all of your children - and when they were doing so well in their new lives here. Painfully sad !
It really is staggering. I'm gratified to hear that thousands showed up for the memorial service and that more than $300,000 has been raised for the family. Judy, you can imagine what the refugee support group is going through because of your involvement. Thanks to both of you for comments.
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