Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cathedral of the Trees in Algonquin Park

Mike Henry, senior ecologist with the Ancient Forest Exploration and Research Group, tangles with the 408-year-old tree.

400 year old hemlock discovered in Algonquin Park

This morning I'm in Algonquin Park to lead worship as part of this summer's Cathedral of the Trees ministry. We'll be outdoors, God being our helper, and we will remind ourselves that trees matter a lot to the Creator and that they are symbols of strength and durability throughout the bible. The texts I've chosen are from Psalm 1, along with a gospel story of Jesus healing a blind man who begins to see people "like trees walking." If you're inclined toward prayer feel free to offer a petition or two that folk will join us and that we won't be communion bread for the mosquitoes. One worship leader described them as "apocalyptic" earlier this month!

Here is my earlier blog on this ministry:

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