Friday, March 04, 2022

The Opportunity of Lent


In her book Entering the Passion of Jesus the always wise Amy-Jill Levine observes: "During Lent you have the opportunity to think about your life alongside the life of Jesus, inviting inward transformation and then outward action." This is incredibly succinct and so true. 

A colleague in ministry shared with me what is entitled A Lenten Creed written by his friend who is also a United Church minister. Again, thoughtful and worthwhile as we sieze this opportunity.

A Lenten Creed (2015)

I believe in God who calls me into the depth of Lent.

Who invites me into exploring my faith in new ways.

Who (if it is possible) perhaps loves me even more

when I trust enough to question

and challenge my faith

because in the Holy, I am not alone.

I believe in Jesus the Christ

whose phrase “but I say to you ..”

encourages my ears to close so that my heart can hear

that moment in which I might be transformed.

I believe in the Way as both journey and destination,

for walking with Jesus is my journey

and the Holy One the destination where my faith finds home.

I believe in the Spirit even more so during Lent.

That holy powerful wind that will take me where I need to go

if I breathe deeply and pray for the winds of change to renew.

I believe in the Spirit

miraculously never fully known

… but seen as in a mirror dimly.

I believe in the call to reflect deeply and honestly in Lent.

To challenge my faithful walk to become more

and not be afraid to

… touch my sense of inadequacy

… notice my laments

… let go of my need to control

… admit my moments of self-deception

… acknowledge I must walk with more integrity

I believe in the gift of Lent to prepare me for Resurrection.

Thanks be to God.


              Rev. Deb Hinksman

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