Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Aw shucks, Donald shore ain't Jesus!


                                                     Trump Supporters at a MAGA Rally

Iowa picks corn, New Hampshire picks presidents. 

Governor John Sununu 1988


  • a person or force seen as opposing Christ or the Christian Church.

    "St. Paul really did have to fear for his life at the hands of an Antichrist named Nero"
  • a person or thing regarded as supremely evil or as a fundamental enemy or opponent.
    "I see the media as the Antichrist"

I don't have enough years left to fathom the arcane political system in the United States. Election campaigns seemingly begin before the inauguration from the previous one, primaries scoot across the country with varying portent, and candidates carry the popular vote but are defeated because they lose the electoral college. 

                                                     Trump-posted, AI generated prayer image

As the quote about suggests, today's primary in New Hampshire is a key to November's Republican candidate and it's looking like a coronation. Needless to say, Donald Trump would love to declared emperor and dispense with an election altogether. What I find appalling is that so many Quistians in America -- quasi-Christian believers -- literally idolize a man who is so far from any sense of following Jesus. Some of them put Trump alongside Jesus and see him as God's anointed despite what he says and does. Others compare him to King David who, after all, had his faults yet loved the Lord (yes, you hear me gagging in the background.) 

So, Donald Trump may qualify as the worst president in US history, incited an insurrection, and is antithetical to gospel values. Is he also the antiChrist? Okay, this isn't a term that is part of the United Church theological vocabulary and I'll calm down, but even I begin to wonder. 

Aw shucks, Christian folks, how can you pick this guy? Aren't you grateful that I waited until well after breakfast to post this blog? 

                                          Trump in the Courtroom with his Heavenly Attorney

                                  Trump aboard Aslan, the Narnia Christ figure lion imagined by CS Lewis 


roger said...

I would say it's an average of 3 or 4 times a week that my wife and I discuss the orange menace, and we get so worked up we need to change the subject. We are appalled with Trump and appalled with so many millions of Americans who support him.

I almost counted the days down until Trump was done his four years, and now it looks like it could be four more! How on earth can this happen? How can a man who openly mocked a disabled person, who is racist and has admitted sexually assaulting women, be re-elected? And these childish nicknames he gives his opponents, and bragging about being able to end the Ukraine war in 24 hours....how can Americans even consider giving him another chance?

I wish Biden were not running for a second term; even lifelong democrat voters have expressed hesitancy in voting for Biden. Come on, Obama, America needs you. I need you!

kb said...

"Quistians" - I love it!

For some now, "evangelical" is more of a political identity and not a religious conviction.

David Mundy said...

I keep telling myself that the Donald is already a crook so why would I let him live rent-free in my head. Maybe someday I'll listen to myself.

Even before Trump many thoughtful evangelicals (not an oxymoron) were realizing that they couldn't continue is a religious system that was more about patriarchy and control than Christ. Young people are leaving in droves because of the hypocrisy and barely disguised supremacy gospel.

Thanks, Roger and Kathy, for your comments.