Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Kanye, Jesus, & Mental Health

Kanye West - Jesus Walks (Live from The Joint) - YouTube

A few weeks ago we heard that Kanye West, award-winning musician and wealthy entrepeneur, married to famous-for-being-famous Kim Karadashian, was running for president of the United States. Okay, another billionaire who figures that his ability to accumulate wealth (these people don't "earn" money) qualifies him to lead a nation. Not all that long ago West considered himself a close pal of the Emperor Donald, saying they shared the same "dragon energy."

Last year Kanye declared that he had become a Christian and released an album called Jesus is King.He began his Jesus Walks revival meetings.  It wasn't difficult to see that rather than being a humble disciple of Christ he had a messiah complex, first claiming that he was the greatest artist God has ever created, then turning it up a notch by saying that he is a god. Go big or go home.

A few days ago the wheels came off when West spoke in public in a way that suggested that he was delusional, making wild accusations against Kardashian and family members. It turns out that he is bipolar, sometimes abandons his medications, and loses touch with reality.

I tell this sad story because it is a reminder that fame and wealth do not protect individuals from mental illness, nor does the support of family and friends. Through the years there were people in congregations I served whose faith was important to them and who were part of loving family circles. Yet they suffered from mental illness which was debilitating, sometimes alienating, and even fatal because of its affects.Most suffered without others knowing the extent of what they were going through, but one person did think she was the Second Coming of Christ during a particularly difficult period.  

It isn't hard to mock or stigmatize those with mental health issues, or to simply dismiss them. Honestly, Kanye has just seemed nutty and self-important for a while now. But we get used to that with celebrities, don't we? And the bromance with Trump?...


Staying the course with those who experience mental illnesses, which manifests in various forms,  can be a challenge which stretches us to the limit, no matter how compassionate we might think we are or want to be. We can choose to do so, as the followers of Jesus, the Healer. 

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