Let's be honest, the commandment to "remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" hasn't been observed in secular Canada for decades now, even though it is one of the lengthiest and most detailed There are a bunch of reasons for this, including the reality that even for religious people in our pluralistic society the equivalent of the Sabbath may be Friday, or Saturday.
For nearly four months now Sunday worship for even the most devout has been...weird. For a long time we weren't allowed to physically attend at all, and now the permission to gather is provisional. Many congregations will continue to worship virtually, often with a very different format. It's possible to watch a service on days other than Sunday, and who cares if you're in your PJ's or have the family pooch on your lap?
Most of us miss coming together to hear the Word, sing the words, and share our meal of faith. Good things do happen in alternative formats, but something seems lost in translation when we can't see, hear, and sometimes smell our brothers and sisters in Christ.
All this said, here is the link to Trenton United Church and the worship possibilities for this week. I'm one of the presiders, while Rev. Isaac is on vacay/staycay, with links to my visual and print message. Dianne provides music while wife Ruth shares a prayer from the bow of a canoe. Please join us!
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