As promised, PM Justin and the feds slipped $300 x 2 into our bank account earlier this week to help us weather the storm of COVID-19. I suppose I should be grateful, but I find this a bit frustrating in that it was a one-size-fits-all contribution to seniors and we just didn't need it. I would rather it go to others who are in dire straits because of the pandemic, young and old.
Yesterday Ruth sat down to share this money with worthy causes, including a couple of meal ministries and a couple that benefit critters. We're also making two contributions to medical and food organizations in Africa and Asia where the coronavirus is picking up steam in countries without strong healthcare systems.
The United Church recently made an appeal and it is one of the ways we will distribute our unexpected windfall. Here is the email letter and the link to contribute:
Most of us find short-term fasting for medical tests hard—imagine going hungry all the time.
Most of us can’t. But for three quarters of people around the world, hunger is a painful, daily reality. And it’s about to get worse.
The latest figures from the United Nations predict that more than 250,000,000 people will suffer from severe hunger by the end of the year because of COVID-19.
That’s more than double the number of people who are suffering now.
You can help. Make a gift to the United Church’s COVID-19 Global Response appeal and help save lives.
Every gift will make a difference to those suffering most.
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