Monday, September 26, 2022

Medical Assistance in Dying: A Faithful Response


Yesterday I did a brief invitation from the pulpit (well, lectern) at Trenton United, inviting folk to participate in a three-session study/conversation on the sensitive subject of Medical Assistance in Dying. Since 2016 Canadians can legally choose to end their own lives within certain parameters, and the number of people who are availing themselves of MAID has grown over that time period. 

After the service I was approached by someone from the congregation who wondered if she could attend, in person, with her sister. It sounds as though they've had some conversations about whether this should be an option because of a situation in their family. 

I've also heard from a couple of people who are part of congregations in other communities and will join us via Zoom. One has been involved in hospice and palliative care through the years and while she is committed to these options for end-of-life support she wants to be better informed and to wrestle with the implications of MAID. We will have a guest from Hospice Quinte in our second session. 

There are individual Christians and Christian denominations which are categorically opposed to Medical Assistance in Dying. When the legislation was first enacted a Roman Catholic bishop out West warned people that they might be denied a Christian funeral if they chose MAID. My blood boiled at this announcement. 

We need to have this conversation, it seems to me, because eventually we all die (sorry to break this to you) and it's likely we will all be affected by Medical Assistance in Dying eventually, as someone we know makes this choice. We never know how we will feel personally if faced with the prospect of a lengthy, irremediable illness. 

Ultimately we may decide that we are opposed to MAID or that it is an option to be considered. Surely as people of faith, of the God who chose to live among us with all the sorrows and suffering of human existence, we can have a respectful conversation with one another. 

I have to say that I don't have a definitive answer or answers regarding Medical Assistance in Dying. I have attempted to become better informed over time and to take a prayerful approach to my evolving outlook as a Christian who cares for the vulnerable.  

Please join us if you're intrigued. 

Wednesdays, September 28 (this week), October 5 & 12, 10:15 AM.  Check out the Trenton United website for a Zoom link or show up at the church. You will be welcomed!

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