Friday, November 17, 2023

It's Never Too Late for Climate Action

“Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something is worth doing no matter how it turns out.” Václav Havel

 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1 NRSVue

How can there be another Climate Action Week or day or month? It can be confusing and a bit overwhelming when some organization, somewhere is declaring a period for environmental or climate reflection or action. Throw in the Christian season called Creation Time and Earth Sunday and we've got most of the 365 days of the year covered.

This week has been the final Climate Action Week for the Kairos Christian coalition and I've been musing over whether I would note it given that there are so many calls to make a difference. There can also be a sense of helplessness in the face of the enormity of the challenge, the duplicity of fossil fuel companies,  and the indifference of governments to change their foolish ways. 

Despite the bewildering feeling of "I can't keep up" it should hearten us that integrity of Planet Earth or Turtle Island are being upheld 24/7, throughout the 365 days, six hours, and nine minutes it takes the Earth to travel in orbit around our home star, the Sun.

Yesterday I Zoomed in on a what was labelled as a Conversation about Climate Activism, Hope, and Creativity presented by Oil Change International (clever name) and Not Too Late name)

There were six presenters from around the world, all of them articulate, all of them offering perspectives which lifted my spirits as I listened. Not one of them was "gloom and doom" and even though I began wondering why I was bothering to tune in, after an hour I was connecting what I'd heard with how I want to live as a Christian. The Creator and Incarnational God calls me to have faith that the things I cannot see in this moment will come to pass, and I will live in hope. The speakers had an exchange about the importance of imagination in bringing about positive change and it got me thinking about how our faith is rooted in imagination and possiblity. 

It's never too late!

Here is the Kairos description of this week offered on their website:

The November Climate Action Week will take place in the lead up to the meeting of global leaders and others in Dubai, UAE for COP28 (the 28th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC). COP28 takes place from November 30-December 12 and will include the first Global Stocktake (GST) to assess the world’s progress since adopting the Paris Agreement in 2015, as well as important discussions about Loss and Damage, climate adaptation, and food systems and agriculture. 

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