Sunday, September 30, 2007

Animals Are A Blessing

We were blessed today by a host of critters and their human companions. We have never included a Blessing of the Animals service in our liturgical schedule but we chose this Sunday, close to the Feast of St. Francis (October 4th,) the patron saint of animals.

It was a perfect day to be out on the lawn and a number of people scurried home after worship to retrieve their retrievers, as well as all the other members of their families with four legs.

The cats, dogs, and bunny --about 20 in all -- were well behaved as Rev. Cathy and I blessed each one. Our resident veterinarian, Rich, reflected on the way our pets make their way into our hearts. We included a memorial moment for those animals who went to their reward during the past year. There were 50 humans on hand and there were more adults than kids.

Once again this was a pleasant surprise at St. Paul's although I should know by now that this friendly and hospitable congregation would also respond to the blessing of pets.

God bless the animals.


Deborah Laforet said...

What a wonderful idea! I've heard of these, but have never participated in one. It sounds like it was a lot of fun. Our pets are a part of our families, and I think it's an important reminder that they need our love and God's blessings too.

David Mundy said...


I have done them a couple of times in other churches but never with this level of response. St. Paulites are pet lovers!

Lynnof60 said...

I have just arrived home after a few days away. For a number of reasons this home that normally has 4 'critters' in it has none...they have all gone to 'camp'. What a strange feeling. Sometimes, the kitty litter becomes a chore, there is an uncomfortable moment when the minister comes to visit and leaves with a souvenir of these pets on his backside, when we can't be 'spontaneous' because we have to get home to the animals, etc. etc. So, here's the thing...they are family members and they help to make this house a home. Blessings to all of these animals that depend on us and now I realize just how much I depend on them!