Monday, October 01, 2007

More Than TGIF

One of the St. Paul's members who works at GM was tongue-in-cheek grumbling about the fact that he didn't get any time off last week because the strike in the US was resolved so quickly. The tentative agreement meant that thousands of people in our region who work for General Motors and the companies that supply the auto giant in Oshawa will continue to work for the time being. This situation was close enough to home that we prayed for resolution in worship. I am grateful that employees will continue to have employment. These are good paying jobs that mean prosperity for workers and the local economy.

Work is an odd entity in our lives. We do grouse and complain about our work at times and we speak of the grind. Yet when we don't have employment, even the jobs that are drudgery, we can feel bereft, without purpose. I spoke with another member of the congregation who is trying not to be too anxious about being unemployed at the moment. Confident in her skills and with a history of steady work, she is rather overwhelmed by her undesired at-home status and the mounting bills.
Please pray for those who are out of work and those who have an uncertain future. Pray, too, for those whose employment no longer brings satisfaction and want to find a new way forward.

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