Today is the birthday of the late Theodr Geisler, better known as Dr. Seuss. I don't need to tell you that Geisler/Seuss was the author of many wildly popular children's books, including the seasonal classic, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. My favourite, though, is The Lorax, a book expressing concern for the environment which was ahead of its time. Written in 1971, Geisler used The Lorax to point out the senselessness of voracious consumption of the world's natural resources.
I have used The Lorax more often with groups of adults than with children, although I have loaned my copy to parents to read to their kids. When I am asked to lead seminars on faith and the environment I often start with this book, which is a clever comment on the foolish ways of human beings.
Do you know The Lorax? Do you have another Dr. Seuss favourite?
My favourite is Oh The Places You'll Go. My Mother gave this book to our son Matthew when he was 19 for Christmas. She said "oh he'll think I'm a silly old woman". He still has it and he never thought she was a "silly old woman". Like most Dr. Suess books it has no age requirement. I am not familiar with the Lorax. Perhaps the library will have it....thanks!
I Received "Oh the Places You'll Go" as a university graduation gift and love its message, like Lynn. The Lorax gets the most play time with Olivia, now, and a close second being Horton Hears a Who....because after all "a person's a person no matter how small." Interestingly, I enjoy Dr Seuss more as an adult than I ever did as a kid.
I have shown the movie "The Lorax" to students and used it in many ways. I have given the book "Oh The Places You'll Go" to many a university graduate. I love the book and have used it in so many different ways, to start off workshops, to close workshops etc.
Just went to "google" something, notice their tool bar today, it's Suess characters. :)
I don't know Oh The Places You'll Go, but Ruth does. We seem to agree that Dr. Seuss (his mother's maiden name bye the way) is great for adults too.
And I didn't know that there is a Lorax movie.
oh the things you will learn when you're out and about!
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