This week the Global Peace Index for 2012 was issued, ranking 158 countries for peace, based on a number of criteria. Canada always ranks high as a peaceful nation, but this year we have moved up to number four globally, the best ranking in years. It is, in part, because of our reduced role in Afghanistan and fewer deaths in that conflict. By comparision , the U.S. is number eighty eight and Somalia is dead last. http://www.visionofhumanity.org/globalpeaceindex/2012-gpi-findings/
We are blessed, and now we should ask how we might be a blessing. There was an article somewhere in the past few days pointing out that Canada's traditional role as peacekeepers wearing the blue berets has all but disappeared. We used to be proud of that role. Now we have to wonder if many young people are aware of the tradition. I also agonize over what is happening in Syria where children are used as human shields and terrible atrocities are being committed. Is our voice loud enough on the international stage?
A lot of conservatives, both religious and political, like to huff and puff about Canada as a Christian nation. I happen to feel that an aspect of our peacefulness is respectful coexistence, but if we are followers of Christ, can't we be actively promoting peace nationally and internationally?
Have you heard about the Global Peace Index? What is your reaction to our ranking?
David, what do you mean when you say we are blessed?
I feel we are blessed to live in a nation where the majority of us can flourish because of the general atmosphere of peace. Blessings are not necessarily earned, or deserved. They are bestowed and received.
As someone who has received all the advantages of a lifetime of prosperity and peace, I need to express my gratitude to God and ask how I can extend that blessing to others.
Good question!
I knew Canada always rated high on the index but did not realize we were ranked #4. We certainly are Blessed to live in a country with such a rating, Amen to that!
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