Friday, August 17, 2012

General Council Decisions

I have looked back to see that in the last two months only one blog entry didn't receive a single published response. Since there are anywhere between 150 and 250 page views per day, and only a handful of comments as the best of times, this doesn't mean that people aren't reading. But the only non-response day was last week when I wrote about the beginning of General Council. I'm not sure what to make of this. Is Council a non-starter in this day and age? Are the issues of GC not our issues?
As this triennial meeting draws to a close the 350 commissioners continue to wrestle with a contentious report on the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians. They did adopt the changes to our denominational crest which will include the colours of the aboriginal medicine wheel. They approved the inclusion of several statements of faith we have used over the decades within the Basis of Union. Some of this may seem boring or inconsequential or overly contentious. Yet we might well lament the loss of the broader church bodies if we become increasingly congregational.
We also have a new moderator for the UCC out of the large slate of fifteen candidates. I know two of the three finalists and they would have served the church well. A colleague who has been blogging from council is pleased with the choice of Gary Paterson, even though he is friends with one of the other final three. For the next three years Paterson will serve in a role which has no real power because of our democratic processes, but he will be a public face for our church. While Gary is gay he doesn't want this to be the focus of his leadership.
Are we becoming more congregational in focus and less interested in the wider church? Have you followed Council at all? Could you name our outgoing moderator?


IanD said...

I would guess that we have grown more congregational, or "local" in our thinking.

Hard to say why the lack of interest (or "public" interest as evidenced by lack of traffic on your blog.) Personally, I couldn't name the outgoing moderator, or even begin to discuss the overall structure of the organization.

Perhaps for some "church" means what it used to when they were small: a place in the community to go where one can sit and think about God in the company of like-minded friends and neighbours. The hierarchy that supports that local entity may seem to "out there" for some.

Susan said...

Yes, I have been following GC and yes, I know that our outgoing moderator is Mardi Tindal. I was excited that we had 15 people who came forward to be moderator but disappointed that it was Gary who was elected only because I was hoping someone younger would have been chosen.

David Mundy said...

Thanks to both of you, and I hope more folk will comment. Your observation about the need for a younger candidate is an important one Susan. Unfortunately the youngest candidate, and one many of us felt would bring a fresh approach withdrew a couple of months ago.

Richard Bott decided to pull out because he is a father of a nine-year-old. There is the challenge. Now that being moderator involves three years rather than two the commitment can be overwhelming.

When he was still in the running Richard offered:

What would it mean for us if we worked together to be:
Uplifted and challenged in daily conversation with God;
Nurtured by regularly gathering to worship;
Inspired through daily conversation with scripture;
Transformed through service to God’s creation (human and other!);
Engaging ourselves and others in relationships based on faith and exploration;
Devoting our resources to God’s mission.

Our task is not to save our denomination.
Our task is not to save our structure.
Our task is not to save our buildings.

Our task is to continue to be God’s faith-filled people in a changing world.

Laurie said...

I have been following the conference with interest. Have been pleased with the media in getting the news out to us! Have always wanted to go to one of these events. I was pleased with the pick for the moderator.Looking forward to how he presents the U.C. to the press. Also very happy with some of the ideas that have been passed.

Laura said...

The daily news updates were a great synopsis of what appeared to be an intense and productive week. I hope to use some of the videos with our older youth this fall.
I look forward to talking with St Paul's young, Jon, who worked the week as a steward.

The new moderator seems very eloquent and passionate and open to new expressions of church for the UC:all good.

Our outgoing moderator, Mardi was a friend to our youth, very approachable, offering a face and greater understanding to this role for them, I believe.

Loved Richard Bott's clear vision of our task as a church....could be used at church meetings as inspiration.