Friday, August 30, 2024

La Sagrada Familia Nears Completion


After 141 years of construction, La Sagrada Família is now scheduled for completion in just 24 months. It is the longest ongoing building project in the world and it will be the tallest church in the world.

While I have been to Europe several times there are cities I wish I could have visited but never will. One of them is Barcelona with the remarkable La Sagrada Familia Basilica. The church was designed by Antoni Gaudi in a fantastical Art Nouveau style that is architecturally unique. Begun in 1882, only a quarter of the structure was completed by the time of Gaudi's death in 1926.

The caption for the photo above is certainly misleading. While this may one of the lengthiest construction projects not yet completed many of the great cathedrals of Europe took centuries to come to fruition.

I do feel that the most meaningful places of worship, whether large or small, are intended to convey a sense of the holy. I've read that La Sagrada Familia is constantly busy, packed with tourists from around the world entering on timed tickets -- "the most visited monument in Spain." I imagine this will be the reality when Notre Dame reopens in Paris. When is a church no longer a Christian sanctuary but a museum or attraction? Are there times for public worship when the faithful can gather, unimpeded, no selfies allowed?

La Sagrada Familia means "the Holy Family", referring to the infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph.This is a far cry from the stable in Bethlehem but the completion of this structure will be a triumph.


Judy said...

I had cause to ponder what my sacred spaces were a couple of decades ago, and I decided my most sacred space was my own home... the place where I live at the most basic and the highest levels ! The place where I am known intimately by God and am known by my housemates/family most intimately. The place where my faith and my discipleship are seen most clearly. I do love beautiful worship spaces and they do speak to me, but ....

David Mundy said...

There is the old adage that a home is one's castle but I like the notion of a home as a sanctuary or sacred space. Thanks Judy.