Friday, August 09, 2024

The "Hidden" Crisis in South Sudan

The humanitarian crisis in South Sudan is staggering. A country that came into being with hope has descended into despair as many as 12 million people have been displaced with untold numbers on the brink of starvation. It seems as though other crises such as Ukraine and Gaza have diverted the world's gaze. 

The United Church of Canada is in partnership with churches in South Sudan, so I share this prayer: 

 Praying with the South Sudan Council of Churches 

Wounded Christ, the blood of the South Sudanese people is wailing from the ground: the cries from all killed in Bentiú, Bor, Malakal and beyond ache in our broken hearts. 

The moans from refugee camps: 

The grunts of the elderly, who have long since forgotten their age; 

The tears of parents, fiercely protective and hungry; 

The growling tummies of the young, surviving on grass, wild fruits, and leaves on long treks to seek refuge. 

The land is sobbing. Brother Christ, call us to acts of solidarity with the people of South Sudan, for we are their brothers and sisters, just as they are ours. We cannot and will not keep silent through the sobs of our kin. May we always hold and keep the people of South Sudan in our words, thoughts, and deeds. 

And so, with the South Sudan Council of Churches, we pray for:

 An immediate end to war; 

A commitment to face-to-face peace talks and negotiations before the situation further escalates; 

More desperately needed humanitarian aid to all areas and people affected. 

Risen Christ, every time our siblings suffer you are wounded again; every time a brother or sister is killed you are crucified again. It must stop. 

We pray, Christ, for it to stop.

 Help us, Resurrected Christ, to be each other’s keepers as we together work toward a South Sudan where all are free to live peacefully, respectfully and abundantly without discrimination and irrespective of gender, ethnicity, age, status, or faith. Amen.

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