On the same day a member of the congregation sent me this photo of a boy and a dog praying there was a news item about an Anglican priest who served communion to a dog. A newcomer was in church with his dog and both came forward at the time of the eucharist. The priest spontaneously shared the sacrament with the dog, and soon the poop hit the fan.
An angry member quit the church and contacted the bishop. The bishop has mildly admonished the priest and issued a statement saying that this is not Anglican practice. The priest is too embarassed to respond publicly. This will be one of those "what was I thinking" moments which will make it to her memoirs but is causing her grief in the moment.
I would never serve a critter communion, but I do bless companion animals at the Feast of St. Francis in October. I'm open to the possibility that animals have eternal souls as God's creation, and animals are some of the best people I know. My cat made me write this last part.
What are your feelings on the spiritual life of animals other than humans? Are we getting silly about the importance of our pets, or enlightened?
I can understand being caught up in a moment, but I don't think pets should receive communion. If Jesus wanted them to, we would have read about animals at the Last Supper. I do agree that animals may have a soul, and should always be treated well. I don't know if animals go to heaven, but what an interesting thought. I have certainly prayed when my pets were ill and I think having your animals blessed is a good thing to do.
People get upset about things too easily. Bone head moment? OK, move on. I love and enjoy my pets, but we have to be practicle, and place them in the proper priority. I know too many people that have spent tens of thousands of dollars on extending the life of an animal well beyond it's natural life. Who are they doing it for? If only that old dog could talk.
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