Have you heard that former archbishop Desmond Tutu will be withdrawing from public life after his birthday in October? What a shirker. I mean, the guy will only be 79! Tutu has been a remarkable champion of justice and human rights in South Africa for decades. When Nelson Mandela was in prison he was the strong voice opposing apartheid and he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 -- could if really be that long ago? He chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which was an attempt to move beyond the hatred of many years.
I recall Tutu going courageously into Soweto where individuals considered traitors and informers were being "necklaced" burned to death in car tires. He saved many lives.
In my opinion Tutu is one of true heroes of our era. He is a Christian in every sense, a remarkable man. After his retirement as a bishop he started his own peace foundation. http://www.tutufoundation-usa.org/
He may be out of the public eye, but he won't be forgotten. What are your impressions of Desmond Tutu?
He is a true hero. I heard him speak once, amazing night.
He is an amazing man and deserves his retirement!
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