I had decided that I should keep a blog sabbath, a day on the weekend when I didn't post and I didn't invite you to participate in yet another tech moment. But here I am. I actually wrote this Friday, after returning from a commital in Oshawa. The funeral director picked me up and he told me about the death of his beloved Golden Retriever whose death, even in dog years was far too early. Four years old, suffering from leukemia, no hope of recovery. Best dog he ever had. After the sad moments at the vet he drove to his cottage and buried Fido (not his real name) back on the property. This is a guy who deals with death all the time, but there was an obvious sense of loss. He said that digging the grave and laying his friend to rest was therapeutic.
While tomorrow is the Feast of St. Francis we will bless dogs and cats and any other companion creature who comes along today. our St. Paul's vet, Rich, will say a few words. I think this is the "fifth annual" and every year we have a motley crew of attendees -- and that's just the humans.
I'm not sure how we should regard companion animals, and sometimes I get a little queasy about the way we have taken, collectively, to doting on what we used to call pets. But they are remarkable friends at times. They are often responsive to our emotions in ways that are hard to explain. So, we assume that God made 'em, but does God love them as well? If they really aren't aware of their mortality, is there a place for them in heaven? A few years ago the answer would have been an emphatic "no!" Times have changed, but is that just because we have become a little soft in the head.
I'm interested in a new book called The Friends We Keep: Unleashing Christianity's Compassion for Animals. Other than the bad pun --"unleashing," get it? -- it sounds worthwhile.
Would you bring your critter pal for a blessing? Does he/she have a soul?
A Postscript: nearly 50 people and 15 dogs for our service of blessing -- have we scared away the cats? Rich much appreciated, and dogs blessed. Please check out Lynn's link in her response -- lovely!
You will be pleased (?) to know that Lucy and Petula will be joining the motley humans today. Petula (the Golden Retreiver) will think it's a big party and Lucy (the chihuahua (oh, it pains me to say that) mix will growl at everyone and we will apologize for her bad behaviour) Being married to the resident 'vet' has probably thrown me into that category of being a little 'dotty' about animals. As I write this I can hear Lucy's little nails hitting the floor as she starts to look for me - it puts a smile on my face. Petula will start a 'bark/growl' in a minute to say "the day has begun and I need to get outside" - that puts a smile on my face. A pretty good way to start the day I would say. In answer to your question go to this website and watch the video...
Hope that works and if not - google "god and dog + song" and that will take you there.
This from reader Allanah:
I don't know how Lynn came upon that song, but it it wonderful. We had dogs and cats for many years as children and for many years after we were married. There is something special about that welcome and comfort that comes with owning a pet. I would hope that there is a very special spot reserved for them when they leave us.
It was apparent that many people are pleasantly "dotty" about their pets Lynn. I was really touched by several St. Paul's newcomers who were there with their animal friends.And by the number of people who don't own pets but just stayed. Thanks again for the song.
Maybe I should preach about pets and heaven sometime Allanah.
I, too, was touched by the service David. Once again, Petula was the most vocal of the bunch. Richard thinks it's bad behaviour and I think it's just "I am so happy to be here, I don't know what we're doing and I don't care but LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!"
I would love you to preach about pets and heaven...oh, and you might be surprised to know that I 'know' the song! Just saying.
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