We know that malls will be madhouses today as people storm the stores in search of the stuff that they haven't already bought in pre-Christmas sales or received as Christmas gifts. We have been told repeatedly in recent weeks that Canadians are carrying dangerously high debt loads, but not to worry, "get more" appears to be our national mantra.
The other day I heard the author of an international study on how people cope and even thrive in economies with low incomes. He said that a staggering 2.6 billion people on the planet live on two dollars a day, or less. What surprised me is that the study found that many of them manage to support families, start businesses, and save money. Teh entrepeneurs are making their way forward through microcredit loans for their modest businesses.
Why is it that in a country such as ours which is still predominantly Christian, at least in identification, if not in practice, we have lost the message of simplicity which is so evident in the Christmas story and is central to the teaching of Jesus?
Well said, David. Today we were happy to bundle up and enjoy some brisk walks, followed by hot chocolate and many hours of solving the Globe's Christmas crossword in a shared family effort. Hope you and Ruth have some fun and relaxing family time this week, too!
We stayed home all day on Boxing Day and we will be home all day today, enjoying our Christmas gifts and each other's company. I've even noticed the boys have been getting along splendidly!
I am happy not to be traveling this year and just taking some time to relax and enjoy my family. That is the best gift I could get!
We spent Boxing Day with family, skating on an outdoor pond at the farm. We even found an old cutter in the barn which we bundled grandma into and she was able to enjoy the fun with us out on the ice without breaking a hip! It was truly simple but magical.
I feel more relaxed just reading about your gentle choices for the day -- thanks for the reminder about the Globe crossword Chris.
One daughter went to Yorkdale on Boxing Day. Lines to get into stores, into the change rooms, and to pay. No thanks!
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