GENTLE Jesus, meek and mild,
Look upon a little child,
Pity my simplicity,
Suffer me to come to thee.
Charles Wesley hymn and children's prayer
We were enthusiast screen-watchers as the annual Docfest came to downtown Belleville over the weekend. I took in nine documentaries during the three days and appreciated them all. One of the favourites for both of us was Immaculate Memories: The Uncluttered Worlds of Christopher Pratt. Pratt, now 84, is one of Canada's most celebrated living painters. He's a Newfoundlander who designed the provincial flag and is known for a precise and haunting style to his work. He rambles around Newfoundland with the film-maker, Kenneth Harvey, and their banter is funny, acerbic, and touching.
Christmas Eve at 12 O'clock -- Christopher Pratt
At one point Pratt states bluntly (just about everything is stated bluntly) that he has no belief in anything beyond this life. Then he admits that despite this there are occasions when he offers up the on-his-knees prayer of childhood taught to him by his mother: "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild..."
I've had a lifetime of what I suppose is stubborn belief in God, if belief is the right word. God is, in my rather puny comprehension of existence, and while doubt is a regular companion on my sojourn of faith, God just smiles and persists. I decided along the way that I'm "all in" with Jesus as God incarnate. If there is a Creator I'm open to the Redeemer as well.
A decade ago the marvelous writer Julian Barnes said in a New York Times piece "that I don't believe in God, but I miss Him. That's what I say when the question is put." Clever, and a bit sad. It seems to me that since the so-called New Atheists including Christopher Hitchens began marauding about vandalizing religion it's become popular to claim that this is all there is, end of story. I'm not inclined to argue with people because they are often as arrogant as the religionists they hold in passive or aggressive contempt. I am more than willing to share a different narrative with those who desire to hear it.
We loved Immaculate Memories so perhaps I'll offer some specific prayers for Pratt (he'd likely tell me to piss off) as well as general prayers for the non-theists of the world. God loves 'em.
Make sure you include Greta Vosper and her congregation in those prayers, David... I just cannot fathom that situation...or our denomination's acceptance of it, as is.
I did think of Rev. Vosper, Judy, but I'm trying to give up shaking my head over that situation for Lent!
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