Friday, April 05, 2024

Golden Rule Day 2024


 In everything do to others as you would have them do to you,

 for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12 NRSVue

April 5th is Golden Rule Day. It is all about the following universal principle "Treat others and the planet as you would like to be treated," shared by many cultures and religions on earth. It was proclaimed by URI-Africa and Interfaith Peace-building Initiative in 2007, calling upon all citizens of the world, organizations, and the United Nations to join them. Since then, more than 700 organizations in 165 countries have committed to living according to the Golden Rule's teaching to make the world a better place.

Most religions have and uphold a version of the Golden Rule, including Christianity. When Jesus was teaching a peasant crowd "en plein air" by the Sea of Galilee, what we call the Sermon on the Mount, he acknowledges that his version is actually beholding to the scriptures of Judaism. It does put the Rule in the context of real life interactions, not just a slogan or a plaque on the wall. 

This is World Golden Rule Day, an opportunity to remind ourselves of the vital importance of kindness, generosity, and reciprocity. Of course, this can't be a single day, only to wake up tomorrow with a renewed vigour for self-absorption and suspicion. We are living in a time when "othering" is on the rise in politics and religion and international relationships -- or lack thereof. The simplicity of the Golden Rule is deceptive. Putting it into practice requires courage and diplomacy and strength. When we don't practice the Golden Rule we choose fear and anger and hatred. 

I notice this year that there is also an acknowledgment of our planet along with humans. This is certainly timely.  

I have no idea of the religious inclinations of the seven aid workers killed this week in Gaza, or if they followed any religion. I have no doubt that they died living out the Golden Rule and that we need to honour everyone who does so, in even the simplest ways. Humanity and the fate of the Earth depend upon it. 


Judy said...

If we could all just follow this ... life would be so much more pleasant for everyone ....

David Mundy said...

Yes, wouldn't it be a world-changer if the billions who are followers of these Golden Rule religions actually practiced what they preach. Thanks Judy.