Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Abomination Bible?


I'm using today's blog to share a limited time, special opportunity offer for all of you. The Lion Lamb Blog edition of Holy Scripture is now yours for $50 Canadian, regularly $75. This bible has a Newfoundland sealskin cover embossed, in gold with the Canadian motto "from sea to sea" A Mari Usque Ad Mare taken from Psalm 72, verse eight. 

Can you imagine if this pitch was real on my part? Would you immediately choose to delete my blog from your computer? I do hope so. It would be hucksterism at its worst. Well, not as despicable as a former president of the United States who has never turned to the bible for wisdom in his life selling bibles to raise money to pay his legal bills for charges of fraud, illegal payments, and election interference.

That's what's happened with Donald Trump and sadly people are shelling out for the "abominable bible", not because of its content but the appalling misuse for personal gain. Since this bible has been offered Trump has compared his "persecution" to the Passion of Jesus and so have a lot of deranged Christians across the border. 

I'm not big on declaring situations heretical -- this tends to be subjective -- but if this isn't heresy I don't know what is. Others have labelled it blasphemy and idolatry. All three work for me, along with abomination. 

It's all disheartening. Please excuse me while I go dye what's left of my hair orange before my infomercial. 


roger said...

I just erased several sentences of what I feel about Trump. Not because I used any flowery language, but because I'm feeling my BP go up again.

Do you want to know how much Trump has affected me? I am so appalled at the number of Americans who support this lunatic, that I am now cheering for the Toronto Maple Leafs any time they play an American team.

David Mundy said...

Although I'm a life-long Leafs fan I urge you to seek immediate medical attention, Roger, and not for your blood pressure!