Saturday, April 06, 2024

Happy Birthday Ruth!


Today is an auspicious birthday for Ruth, my partner in life for 50 years if we count the two years before we married. In retrospect we were too young to get hitched and obviously an example of how those early marriages just don't last. 

Ruth did not want to marry a clergy type, having grown up in the home of a very busy minister. I didn't want to be a minister myself, so I suppose we were a good match. Through the years I enjoyed some long pastorates yet we still lived in two university cities before living hither and yon as I served a number of very different pastorates. We moved from downtown Toronto to outport Newfoundland and Ruth loved it. She still yearns to go back from year to year. I also pastored larger city congregations and she found a way to thrive as our family grew. 

I always had the same profession but she found a variety of jobs as we moved and figured out how to do them well. She was admired everywhere we went and made some wonderful and enduring friends. Urban, suburban, or rural we always found ways to get outdoors. I've always admired Ruth's courage and resourcefulness as we faced some hairy circumstances in the "back of beyond", sometimes with our three children in tow. 

I honestly can't think of anyone who has embraced retirement with greater creativity and aplomb. She loves her kids, their partners, and our grandchildren. While she's a gentle soul she is also playful and fun-loving. Recently our youngest grandchild informed his mother that there are two magical people, Santa Claus and Granny. Heady company!

Ruth will find out at today's family birthday party how loved she is by her friends and extended family. Unbenownst to her, they have sent videos that are touching, funny, and fittingly creative. 

It is impressive that Ruth hasn't lost her faith as a consequence of the rigours of "churchianity." We worked with plenty of wonderful people but the truth is that there were undesirables and even a few deplorables along the way. Her Christian journey has evolved over time, steadily widening its embrace and acceptance. She always looks to the horizon with hope. 

Happy birthday, Ruthie, and much love. 


Judy said...

Wishing Ruth a very happy celebration of her birthday - it must be a good day, because my son, Dave, was also born on April 6... Easter Sunday, in 1969!

roger said...

Just reading the blog now, so a belated happy birthday to Ruth! Sounds like it was a wonderful day!

shirport said...

What a lovely tribute David! All of it so true! Santa Claus and Granny?!! Wow! That's a high rating indeed!

David Mundy said...

We did have a wonderful day and in true Ruth fashion she was sure she didn't deserve the many loving tributes, including a meaningful one from you, Shirley/Sis. The themes of hospitality, humour, adventure, and wisdom were recurring. Impressive!