Sunday, April 04, 2010


I love Jesus. As soon as I type these words I feel an inner cringe because they are so "out there" and subject to all manner of misunderstanding. Am I a closet "holy roller" just waiting to burst into a chorus of Just As I Am? That said, it is my reality. While I would like to think of myself as "generously orthodox," respectful of other spiritual and religious outlooks, my faith is centred on Jesus.

Actually, I have to go a step further. The Jesus I love is more than a great teacher or a cosmic principle. He is the Christ, God incarnate, crucified and risen from the dead on Easter morning. I am well aware of the improbability of all of this being "true" -- certainly from a scientific viewpoint. Yet my life has not only been touched but changed by this life-long relationship.

Last week Maclean's magazine featured a cover article which looked at a new book by eminent historian Paul Johnston. Rather than being yet another effort to deconstruct Jesus or discredit Christianity, apparently his Jesus is a thoughtful, informed statement reflecting his own faith. I think I will buy it.

Whatever your faith, wherever you may be, Happy Easter. Christ is Risen!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Amen, and thank you for your "live" and "cyber-spacial" leadership through Lent and Easter .
It's you spoke of the women's response to the empty tomb on Easter morning and focused on the power of the word "weep" which had me thinking this afternoon....tonight, reading this blog the word "changed" versus "touched" has struck me. Subtle but important differences.
Happy Easter!