I listened to an interview yesterday with a funeral director who is offering live streaming of funerals and memorials through the internet. It makes sense doesn't it? Many funeral homes have been offering videos or DVDs to clients for years, which is very helpful for those who aren't able to attend services. It must be a comfort for those who are at a distance to participate in the moment. Some might not be able to attend because they live or work at a distance, but it can also be a challenge for elderly folk to get to services.
The interviewer wondered if the next innovation will be setting up to allow those at a distance to speak at a service, and the director offered a polite "one step at a time" response. I'm sure it will happen with time.
My thought is that when someone speaks at a funeral, whether immediately at hand or half a world away, they should understand the nature of the occasion and act with dignity and respect.
What is your reaction to this innovation and the potential for another?
I think both are an excellent idea! In our local school board, we're presently making effective and innovative use of "video conferencing," whereby classes can be liked up via live internet video feed to schools/presentation miles away.
The overall effective is a greatly enhanced educational experience (though some technical hiccups remain.) Adapting funerals in this fashion is something I can see as only positive, despite what many might consider an unorthodox accommodation.
Cool idea.
*excellent ideas*
(Sigh) Where's my coffee ... ?
Agreed Ian. I was involved in a teleconferencing project years ago with seven northern highschools from the French River to Timmins. I did sessions on preparation for public speaking and delivery. It was a fun experience.
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