So, a "head case" pastor of a small congregation in the southern States has decided that the best way to stand up to radical, fundamentalist Islam is be radical. fundamentalist Christians and desecrate the Muslim holy book, the Koran. Brilliant. The congregation absurdly calls itself the Dove World Outreach Center. Just when you think there are no more rocks for these people to crawl out from under, yet another emerges.
It's all such a dreary reminder of religion-gone-wrong, the ridiculous posturing of "true believers," who choose to define their faith by establishing rigid boundaries rather than modelling a way of life which reflects a deep and abiding relationship with God. Sometimes I wonder if we should eliminate the words belief and believer from our faith vocabularies because they are so dangerous. I don't care much for what people say they believe any more. I want to have a sense of the way they live because they follow God and, in the case of Christians, follow Jesus. I wonder if this nutty pastor ever reads the Sermon on the Mount.
The good news is that a coalition of religious leaders from different faiths and including some evangelical Christians gathered yesterday to denounce this mindless, hateful proposal. Thank God.
What has your reaction been to this news. Tempest in a teapot? Discouraging? Encouraging to know that leaders have been quick to denounce it?
These morons who want to burn the Koran will then turn around and wonder why so many muslims around the world have anger towards the U.S.
This is an overt and blunt example of ignorance towards the muslim world, but when you add it on to the years and years of american influence in so many islamic countries(much of which is done behind the scenes), one can imagine the consequences.
Fortunately, I believe the vast majority of Americans are equally appalled by this burning. Just what was in their water down there?
A black mark on many, this.
Interesting to see you use such strong language, David. You clearly feel moved by this issue.
I was pleased to hear today on the CBC that Foreign Affairs Minister Peter McKay has denounced this as well. I continue to be amazed that there are so many in this world who cannot accept their neighbour whether it be, Christian, Muslim, Jew. We are all part of the human race!
As you say David,our actions speak much louder than our words and such displays of intolerance and misquided faith are sickening, and truly hard on all religions.
Did I read that this church has but 50 members?
And yet when is the last time that you read in a national newspaper about something good a small church did? The Globe wanted to interview him, but he already had too many media events lined up. Yikes, sometimes the power of the media scares me.
As does this preacher who now carries a gun at all times.
I agree with Laura about the power of the media. If they had left this alone it would not be a big deal. By the media making so much of this is giving power to this mad man. It saddens me to see so much hate and fear.
It's great to see all of your responses. I think you're right that the media play an important part in all of this and obviously this pastor and his flock sought public attention.
I feel so strongly about this because this sort of action amounts to a hate crime. It's important though not to hate the haters!
I think leaders such as President Obama and Peter McKay realize that symbolic acts such as this one have considerable power. I saw yesterday that mission groups are also concerned that this will put them in danger.
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