On Tuesday I was in a conversation with a half dozen of my colleagues about the pressure to be "Christmasy" when Advent hasn't begun. We are unanimous in feeling that the commercial Christmas attempts to pull all of us into that "buy, buy,buy, aren't we all jolly?" mode earlier each year. We don't really like being the pigeons sucked into the jet engine of commercialism, but there are times when it feels as though no one is listening.
I like the ad above created by the United Church's Wonder Cafe to encourage folk to ponder what we are really about.
Do you notice the Christmas pressure mounting earlier each year? Do you attempt to opt out of the commercial emphasis, or do you say "resistance is futile" a la Star Trek's the Borg? Will Christ be at the heart of your Christmas?
We headed to Yorkdale last weekend. My sister was in Toronto from Halifax, and wanted to meet on a Subway line, and our daughter had gift cards from her birthday burning a hole in her pocket, so off we went. It was a mad house like it always is, however, I remember commenting to our daughter in only ONE store, that I heard Christmas music. Christmas music was not playing in any of the other stores we were in, and I think we were in almost all!! It was the bang, bang, bang of some music today. (Talk about wanting quiet after that experience!!) The lack of Christmas music surprised me, however everywhere we looked was Christmas.
Yes, I think commercialism did start early this year, some stores were decked out before Halloween was over! On Facebook there was a campaign to not have any Christmas "stuff" out until after Remembrance Day, giving our veterans the respect they deserve.
Christ will be at the heart of our Christmas. Our daughter has already started talking about the gifts we will give to White Gift and the Food banks this holiday season.
Don't hit me: I start my Christmas shopping on Labour Day, buying for 2 people every two weeks.
I'm usually wrapped and done by the 1st of December.
Somewhere, Charlie Brown is cringing.
This is a different Christmas for us. We will not be home this year but aboard a ship sailing the Caribbean with our daughter and her family...HO HO HO!
I'm sure this will be the first and last of this kind of Christmas because the thought of missing the Christmas Eve service is weighing heavy on my heart. It is the highlight of the season for me. BUT as my 14 yr old grandson said "well Grammie, this is better than giving us 'stuff' that we will forget in a few weeks time, we are making memories that will last forever" I see politics in his future.
Although the thoughts of going to a 'mall' and trying to find the 'perfect' gift sends me into apoplexy I will say that a little bit of me misses the Christmas' of past when the kids were little - the excitement of the morning - the turkey cooking - on reflection it seems now very Norman Rockwell'ish' - that's the joy of reflection. Oh well....pack the sunscreen it's time to "make memories"
I am with IanD, shopping is almost done. Most of it done online. I don't like stores that much. I feel with Christmas that you can either get all stressed out or you can take what you like and don't bother with all the fuss.It is not just the stores starting early,I don't remember that the United Church had advent candles etc when I was growing up. Lynn have a great time with your family making memories!
Our kids can't wait to decorate the house.They (even the teenager) squeal as we pass by the early Christmas lights. I haven't shopped yet. We have resisted "Christmas lists" through the years so yes, they are well taken care of, but the focus isn't on expectations of gifts. Like Lynn, although not quite so grand as a ship south, the big gift under the tree is usually something for the family to share in...most often tickets to a show.
I listened to Moms yesterday at the schoolyard with all gifts wrapped and under the tree (10 for each child) more to come, from Santa, of course and I just felt sad.
But when I open the nativity sets, my 2 favourite decorations, after walking as a shepherd in the Santa Claus parade, I will be happy. Like the kids, I love the glow of Christmas.
And to Lynn, the Santas that you have dispersed from you your collection, to the kids around the church, will keep a "little bit of you" with us at Christmas while you sail the high seas.
To Laura.....a little tear....thank you
Lynn, as Laura mentioned the santas you have spread around town, it made me think. The other day we were in a craft shop and our daughter saw a Santa, she said, we should get one for Mr. L, he's given a lot away.....You will be and are thought of.
Not to be offensive, I start my shopping in January and it is mostly done except for the food and last minute items. Normally, the stores don't put out Christmas decorations until after Halloween but, this year, I noticed they were up after Thanksgiving and I even saw home Christmas lights on after Thanksgiving (not orange lights but red and green Christmas lights).
Christmas is one of my favorite seasons but I do get very tired of the commericalism of the season. To keep the Christ in the season, I try to look for ways to make the season more Christ-like: helping with the Christmas hamper program, mitten tree program, Denise house gift hamper, attending carrolling programs, and making more of my gifts (jams, cookies, notecards,) instead of buying the gifts(stuff). Decorating the house with angels and creches and keeping away from non religious symbols like: Snowpeople and Santa decorations (sorry Lynn).
Like Laurie, there was no Christmas Eve church services when I was growing up.
This year, every Wednesday in December, I am volunteering in a SK classroom for the whole day and I can hardly wait.
Susan, we had a Christmas Eve service, we just didn't have the build up with the advent wreath and candles. Christmas was for about a week, not months.
I love Christmas. I could listen to the carols all year long and I love to see the decorations around town. We were on a short holiday in the States a few weeks ago and while I was looking in a Christmas Store, surprise surprise, I came across an ornament called Kneeling Santa. It is a figurine of Santa Kneeling at the manger, hat in a hand. I fell in love with it and on my way to the cashier, I came across a book called A Special Place for Santa. The book has a picture of my ornament on the front, so needless to say I bought it also. It is a lovely story of why Santa is knelling at the manger, beginning with him overhearing some women shopping who feel that "Santa Claus is taking over and it was causing people to forget the real significance of Christmas". Santa's last stop each year is at a church where he waits to be the first to wish Jesus a Happy Birthday and give Him a special present. He has some doubts about the importance of his job after hearing the women talk, but in a lovely conversation with God, realizes that he plays a very important part in the true meaning of Christmas. It is a lovely addition to my Christmas collection.
For me, Christmas starts after Thanksgiving, the American one! So, next weekend, we will put up our trees, get the Christmas CDs out, and have a turkey supper. We've invited a couple of other ministers in the area who don't have family close by. This has become our tradition.
I keep telling the family that one of these years we are going to have a "Buy Nothing Christmas." None of them want it, but I do find that Christmas is focused on gift-giving and getting. I actually can't wait. I don't enjoy the pressure around gifts and would rather just enjoy the carols, the lights, the special church services, and the joy of gathering with family and friends
I would rather Christmas be less commercial. I enjoy Christmas from about the 20th to the 26th. Otherwise I find it stressful.
On the otherhand my wife is Christmas crazy. Decorations have been popping up over the past couple of weeks. We actually did the bulk of our shopping last week to beat the rush.
I understand the business side as well. "You gotta make hay when the sun is shining."
Having worked in retail for a number of years I'm afraid my spirit was dampened. I remember long hours, very high sales goals, stressed out customers, short supply of the most sought after goods, etc, etc, etc.
When doing your shopping this year remember that the poor store clerk who is short with you, does not have what you want, or what ever. That they are not with their family. They are usually on 12 hours a day 5 or 6 days a week, from Dec 1st to 29th. They have to work late Christmas eve, early Boxing day, and are doing it for very little finincial compensation.
Smile and wish them the spirit of the season. It will be appreciated.
Good to read all these responses. Most ever? Love it or leave it, Christmas affects our culture.
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