Many of you are aware of the origins of this blog. A younger St. Paul's member encouraged me to start, and showed me how to do so. If you look back to those early months you'll see that very few people responded initially. Current commenter Lynn may have been the first and the numbers have grown over time. Still, the core group of 15 to 20 commenters represent the tip of the iceberg of those who read and form opinions.
I have many conversations in person or email in which readers voice their thoughts with intelligence and insight. When I ask why they don't join the conversation they insist that they don't have much to offer, or feel intimidated by the quality of responses they read. Even some regulars feel that certain subjects are a little tough to tackle. Others admit that they are tech challenged and can't figure out how to comment.
This is another invitation to join the conversation. If you look back over the past week you will see that a number of blog entries have been made so much better by the comments. I look forward to reading them as the day progresses and I am sure that many others have something to offer .I feel that this is a good way to discuss issues of faith, and as the years have gone by I have discovered how many subjects there are which arise in each week. Just so you know, I spend about 20 minutes a day writing.
I have many conversations in person or email in which readers voice their thoughts with intelligence and insight. When I ask why they don't join the conversation they insist that they don't have much to offer, or feel intimidated by the quality of responses they read. Even some regulars feel that certain subjects are a little tough to tackle. Others admit that they are tech challenged and can't figure out how to comment.
This is another invitation to join the conversation. If you look back over the past week you will see that a number of blog entries have been made so much better by the comments. I look forward to reading them as the day progresses and I am sure that many others have something to offer .I feel that this is a good way to discuss issues of faith, and as the years have gone by I have discovered how many subjects there are which arise in each week. Just so you know, I spend about 20 minutes a day writing.
To comment you must first set up an account at blogger.com, but that isn't as difficult as you might think.
I would like to hear from current commenters about what it felt like to enter the conversation. Did you find it hard to figure out blogger in the beginning? Do you feel that you are more confident in expressing your opinions as time goes by?
Your blog is just EXCEPTIONAL, David, and it's a tribute to your intelligence and the innovative way that you approach your ministry. We are all SO fortunate that you've set the thing up.
For me too, who only manages to drag his carcass to the actual building but once a month, responding to your blog makes me feel less guilty and more participatory. Thanks for the opportunity! (Perhaps if the organist were better, I'd show more often ... ?)
Anyway, I'd also add that I often find it somewhat depressing when I only see two or three replies to the things that you have to say. Didn't realize that more people are touching base with you behind the scenes, though, so that makes me feel better.
I'd invite those who do so to join us out here. Come on in, the water's fine.
Ditto IanD's comment. Every day there is an Exceptional idea that you write about. It always makes me think. We are still discussing the forgiveness blog from a few days ago! Thanks for the blog!
I enjoy your blog and although I don't always comment, I always read it. Sometimes I am reading days at a time. I did not find it difficult to sign up, and treading into the waters was a bit intimidating at first but now I just say what's on my mind. It has been a great sharing spot and I agree with David, many times what people have said makes the "conversations" much richer. I have also appreciated the humour that some add, thanks for my smile of the day today IanD.
Although David says I was one of the first to respond to the blog I don't think it was easy. I am glad that I did it and I must say that it gets easier each time I respond.
I do feel more confident - at first I measured each word that I put down for fear I would say something that would not sound "half way intelligent" HOWEVER I now just let it flow (you've probably noticed).
Reading and responding to the blog makes me go a little deeper than I would normally - this is a good thing. I agree with David....jump in...honestly, you won't sink!
I really enjoy your blog, David and also enjoy the many different responses. I finally figured out how to sign in, so now I'm responding here instead of verbally or by e-mail. There's always lots of food for thought and David I think the slightly warped sense of humour our organist has runs in the family. One always need a little comic relief, right Ian?
There was only once I had to use it, but you will find a little trash can icon that may give you some comfort. It's like a safety valve in case you realize later that what you meant to say was something entirely different. So this one time I happened to re-read something I wrote that made me sound like an raging axe murderer. I hit the little icon, and presto my axe disappeared from sight. Feel safer?
David, I have been reading your blog for a year or so and only started responding in the last month. I found it easy and I am not a techy person at all. Your topics are thought provoking and when you invite us to comment it makes it easier to respond. Thank you!
I appreciate the affirmation from all of you. It's interesting that I now judge the world according to blogworthy or unblogworthy!
Thanks for pointing out that the technology isn't all that difficult.
I am pleased to see the mix of long-timers and newcomers in these responses. Nan and dmy, the two of you and other more recent commenters are great additions to the fold.
Believe me, people notice the various contributors, and some get great entertainment value from trying to figure out who the anonymous commenters are!
And pupil, I will now sleep with one eye open. Actually, since I know who you are I'll sleep soundly.
Between work and family life, finding a spiritual practice that works for me has been difficult. Finding that time to spend in silence or in prayer is not easy although I keep trying.
Following this blog has been one way of finding that time. It's been great to hear someone's musings and then be able to share some of my own thoughts and to share with others in their thoughts. I follow this blog and I've just recently started following Nancy Knox on her church website. I find it to be a way of exploring different topics and a great way to keep in touch with people far away.
Thanks for the opportunity David!
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