During the next few days 10 million Muslims will make their way to Mecca as part of the annual pilgrimage known as the Haj. One of the five pillars of Islam is this pilgrimage, at least once in a lifetime. Today the pilgrims can travel in comfort if they have the means, but it was often a dangerous journey in other times and even today there is risk just because of the volume of people concentrated in one spot. Every year there are injuries and deaths.
Virtually every religion includes pilgrimage, the notion of going on a holy or spiritual journey. Jesus travelled to Jerusalem for feast days and joined others from around the ancient world who were making the same trek. In medieval times Christian pilgrims went to Canterbury, Rome, Jerusalem, and Santiago de Compostela. The latter destination was the culmination of the Camino, the pilgrimage walk across Spain which is still travelled by thousands every year. Our son Isaac did this 850 kilometre walk when he was nineteen, as did a member of St. Paul's, Rich, when he was in his later fifties.
The sense is that a pilgrim is different than a tourist by virtue of intent. Pilgrims don't just see the sights, they approach with a unique perspective and insight.
Have you ever been on what you might call a pilgrimage, spiritual or otherwise? A trip to the land of your birth or ancestors? A journey back to your hometown or to a reunion? Graceland or the Rock and Roll hall of fame in Cleveland? Have any of you been to Lourdes or travelled to a cathedral with a spiritual intent?
I have been to my high school grad year 25th reunion but had not thought of it as a pilgrimage. I have a minister friend who's sabbatical included walking part of the Spanish pilgrimage, you mention in this morning's blog. For me, the focused intentionality of spiritual travelling/walking comes from walking a labyrinth. For me, walking the labyrinth alone, there is sense of being on a spiritual quest or walking on a inner 'God' sensing journey.
I have walked both, indoor and outdoor labyrinths, different styles of labyrinths, and have walked them alone and with a group.
For me, the spiritual intentionality of the focused walking brings about changes - an inner peacefulness, an 'aha' moment, an island of calmness, or a quieting of the restlessness.
But I was blown me away -seeing how my oldest niece (9 at the time) reacted to walking the labyrinth. She was introduced to it in February and she was transformed by the experience - she made a spiritual connection with it and I could see it on her face and through her actions. And now, whenever, she hears about a labyrinth walk, she insists on going.
I know I shouldn't have been surprised, because, I know how deeply spiritual children can be and are. The gift is, now, I have someone I can share the labyrinth experience with.
I have travelled to many religious sites in North America( the Mission Trail is a wonderful drive) and in Europe. Many of them have been beautiful places to wander around.Last year we were at Tinturn Abbey(Wales), they had a choir of monks singing in the ruins(back at home in was the interment for my aunt, the monks sang "On Eagles Wings" which was one of her favourite hymns, magical momnent!) However we were in Ireland end of July (Reek Sunday),we just happened to be at Mt.Croagh, hundreds and hundreds of people climbed Mt.Croagh on their knees, it was a very creepy and pathetic spectacle to watch.
My dad is buried in a small town in Central Michigan. It's a place I rarely go. I don't have any family living there anymore and it means finding time during my short trips home to get there.
But when I do, it's very profound. My dad does not have much of a marker, and I have to find the site all over again every time I go. I walk around the cemetery, see other relatives or friends that died while I was in high school. I talk to my dad and think about what he might say to me.
It is a spiritual time. Someday, I would like to go somewhere like Spain for a pilgrimage, for now, this works for me.
Nothing even close to Laurie's scale, I always make a pilgrimmage to my grandparents' graves in the Hampton and Oshawa Union Cemeteries on the 24th of December. I usually lay down a rose for each departed loved one and spend some time thinking.
Despite the sense of loss that permeates each place each year, it's also the time of year where those folks feel most close at hand.
Deb and Ian, it didn't occur to me that a purposeful trip to a cemetery might be a pilgrimage, but it makes good sense. When I went to Britain with my mother and brother a few years ago we searched out the gravesite of my great grandfather, and it was meaningful.
Thanks for reminding us about the labyrinth Susan. In fact what it probably the best known labyrinth in the world, the one in Chartres cathedral, is thought to be both the culmination of a pilgrimage and a pilgrimage substitute for those who couldn't make a long journey.
I appreciate what you are saying about the strangely penitential aspect of some pilgrimages Laurie. Again, different religions include this element of self-flagellation, and I don't understand why this is necessary. I will say that pilgrims often speak of the challenge to body, mind, and spirit in their journeys as part of the value of the experience.
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