Sunday, February 13, 2011


Today our praise group called Loaves and Fishes led the music of our worship service. Our music director, Doug, was away, so for the first time this group led the music from start to finish. This is a big commitment because it involves hymns, a piece at the time of the anthem, plus all the other places where music occurs in worship -- a total of nine by my count. So the four teens and three adults (hey, wasn't seven the number of the loaves and fishes in the gospel story?) did a great job of leading us through the service.

Of course this isn't an either/or situation for our congregation. We can sing traditional hymns with organ accompaniment and it is wonderful. The choir can share a meaningful anthem which touches us deeply. At the same time there is a freshness to these other instruments and other voices. And here are four young people who are learning to share their God-given gifts with the congregation, not as performers but as worship leaders. Not everyone feels comfortable with some of the contemporary music pieces, but it is hard to imagine many people who aren't encouraged by youth involvement.

What are your thoughts and feeling about this? Is there an openness to newer music and alternate forms of leadership in your congregation? It would be good to hear the reactions and responses from those who were in attendance at St. Paul's.


IanD said...

Today's service was great. The band sounded fantastic, the music was well-chosen and thoughtfully played, and above all, it WAS great to see youth served (or serving) up there.

Gimme a call if you ever need a second guitarist!

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy Loaves and Fishes when they play. It may not look like it, because I don't sing along, but I am enjoying it.

roger said...

I really enjoyed it - I love the choir, but Loaves and Fishes were excellent, and nice to see youth participating and doing such a great job.

If church ever falls on April Fools Day, I would be happy to play my violin in the service. It would be great to see the shocked expressions.

Nan said...

The music today was wonderful. Loaves and Fishes did a great job in keeping the service on track music wise, as well as adding a few extras. It was nice, not only for Doug to have a break, but also for the choir to sit and enjoy all aspects of the service with no responsibilities. We are very lucky at St.Paul's to have a music director who enjoys adding some alternative forms of music, be it drums, dancers or new and sometimes unconventional anthems,a minister who is willing to trust in Doug's choices and even suggest a few new things for the choir to learn and share with the congregation and a congregation who is willing to give change a chance.

sjd said...

Friends of ours who are looking for a church came Sunday, and were very impressed. They have 12, and 15 year kids. They had never seen such youth involvment before.

Way to go Loaves and Fishes!!

Deborah Laforet said...

Can I join?

David Mundy said...

It's good to hear that what happened on Sunday morning was meaningful for those of you in attendance.

I heard from reader Bill as well, a senior, who feels that alternative styles enhance worship. He did admit bias since one of his grand-daughters is in Loaves and Fishes.

Deb, you would be a wonderful asset. I think you would be mightily impressed by what this group is doing.